The support we deliver, thanks to your kind donations will affect communities all over the world. Initially while we grow, we might be able to help just a handful of small local causes, like supporting a family with a disabled child, purchasing a wheel chair for someone in need, or perhaps providing food for struggling families. As we grow (and have more donations at our disposal) our impact will increase. It's important to point out though that no matter who we help, YOU, as a donor have a vote on who that is. The more you donate, the louder your voice. Imagine what we could do with thousands of donors. Build schools, develop learning centres in developing countries, or even provide long term health support for hundreds of thousands of families all over the world. The opportunities are only limited to the donations you make.
We are still in our first year.
We deliver our first project in January 2022.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide aid to every corner of the world in small bite size chunks.
The 196 Foundation has a long term commitment to help ONE CAUSE PER YEAR covering any* cause that needs help. It could be a wheelchair for a neighbour or building a school in Uganda for example.
You donate £1.96p a month, with no contract and the ability to dump us at any time. Please don't, we'll be sad.
Our model is based on small donation from many kind people like you. £1.96 per month equates to £23.52 per year or just 6p per day. You can donate monthly at £1.96p per month, donate once to cover 12 months (£23.52) or even better you can immediately give your support for 3 years as a one off payment of £70.56.
Our unique voting process means you have a voice on where our donations go. Once a year for the month of April we ask you to vote on which project to help. We won't always spend every penny you've donated; sometimes the need is only small. The remainder of your donations will sit in the pot ready for next years support effort.
Just so you know: we never simply hand over cash, but instead work with organisations to help stretch every penny of your donation and help those that really need it.
We also pride ourselves on really making the most of the money you donate; every year we will release details of exactly where your money has been spent, including a full impact report on the cause we have supported.
*The 196 Foundation will support as many countries as is legally possible. Sadly some rules mean that countries that need the most help, won't recieve it. While the rules and regulation surrounding these countries remain as they are we can not provide any form of aid to them. NO funds collected now or in the future will be directly or indirectly a part of any project that relates to Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea or the Crimea region of Ukraine.
If you think we can do things better or you'd like to get involved with the team, please contact us.
We are registered as a Donor Advised Fund. We operate with help from GivingWorks. GivingWorks provides the umbrella support that effectively enables us to deliver streamlined support to multiple causes
The Team
- Founder -
Nick Butter
- Chair -
Nick Kershaw
The world doesn't need more charities, it needs more ways to support them.I started The 196 Foundation because we are the lucky 1% born into a nation of fortune by chance, and who now has the responsibility to at least try to elevate lives that are less so. It's easy with a little help from our friends - like you.
As Founder of Impact Marathons, Nick is a passionate proponent of the power of running to change lives - after 5 years and $1.2m of fundraising - he is excited to bring his experience to The 196 Foundation. By directly connecting donors to their impact, we can truly empower individuals across the world.
- Governance -
Annabelle Richards
For me it is really important to have transparency and involvement in how my donations are used to provide sustainable aid. I believe the 196 Foundation offers a great opportunity for people to have a direct say in how their money is spent for the benefit of others.
Why 196
In January of 2018, founder Nick Butter spent 674 days running around the globe to raise money for Prostate Cancer; a cause close to his heart.
His expedition was designed to set the world record for running a marathon in every country in the world within 2 years. If you hadn't guessed it - there are 196 official countries in the world.
Throughout the gruelling 23 months on the road he witnessed need in every country he visited. Most obviously in central and western African but also on the streets of his own capital city. London. From homelessness, disabilities, environmental projects, and much more, The 196 Foundation provides support for pockets of need, big or small, all over the world.
If you know someone, a group of people, a charity, a family, or a cause that could use our help please complete this FORM.
Nick's Words
Us humans always need help in varying forms. As individuals we have a duty to support mankind and give each other a leg up from time to time. Sadly the majority (90%) of the world are living in struggling circumstances and need more than just a leg up or some kind words.
There are so many examples to highlight but one particularly stands out. I met a women in her late 30's living in Sierra Leone. I was visiting a children's hospital. This kind lady agreed to speak with me about why she was in hospital. This is what she said (quote in orange).
For £80 this women could treat her two children, go home, feed them for 3 months and afford tuition for schooling for 12 months. It's times like these that I believe most people in the world would want to help. Handing over money isn't the answer; but creating something which can support communities and individuals longer term, through education and social infrastructure. A community hospital, a child care centre, training for nurses, or sometimes simply lending a hand. These are all ways which small acts of kindness from people like you, can help make a real difference.
The 196 Foundation hopes to reach these people. We don't want to establish brand new, hugely labour intensive and bureaucratically difficult initiatives, but instead support the work of pre existing charities, non profits and small stand along groups trying hard to do good.
"My children are sick, and I can't afford to help them, or even find out what's wrong; I'm scared. In the last 2 years, 7 of my 9 children have died. I can't afford food because I can't work; I spend every day in hospital with them. I'm told my two remaining children will also die if they don't get the medicine they need".